Code: LP606

Hop CHINOOK- Pellet 1 kg - CROP 2024


31,00 € Incl. Tax

Hop pellet CHINOOK
This popular hop among craft brewers was developed in Washington State by the USDA in 1985. A cross between Petham Golding hops and a high alpha male, this dual purpose hop delivers both bittering power and a rich aroma. Intensely spicy and piney flavors influence the aroma added to any brew with a hint of bright grapefruit. This full flavor provides the perfect balance to a high alpha acid content between 12% and 14%. Earthy aroma and heavy bittering characteristics make Chinook hops perfect for styles like IPAs, APAs, and seasonal brews like Winter Ales and Stouts. As Chinook grows in popularity, it is easy to find in both whole and pellet form for your brew, though for a less intense bitterness you can certainly substitute with Northern Brewer, Columbus, or Nugget hops.

ALFA ACID: 12-14%
USE: Flavor & Bitter
ORIGIN: United States
ALTERNATIVE: Columbus, Northern Brewer, Nugget
Beta : 3-4%
Co-H : 29-34%
Oils Total : 1.5-2.7 mL / 100g