Beer Kits

How to improve Beer Kits
Many ask us how to make a better beer at home starting with the classic BEER KIT and hops extracts and if there are tricks for better results. Changing and having fun producing excellent beers with hops extracts is not only possible but also very simple. The first advice is not to boil the malt after removing it from the jar. Being malt extract to which a level of bitterness and aroma has been added, it is advisable to put the jar in a bain-marie to make it less dense and not to boil the contents as it risks turning the hop aroma into bitterness. darken the malt.
MALT EXTRACT: replacing sugar with malt extract. Unlike the sugar that completely ferments the malt extract (spraymalt, brewmalt or malted malt), it makes your beer more full-bodied and with a less dry taste.
SPECIAL SUGARS can be used as a substitute for the sugar of special "fermentable" such as candied sugar that rounds the taste and gives sweetness to beer or using a part of honey replacing it with sugar (before using the honey dissolve it in 3-4 liters of hot water for 15-20 minutes). The sugar-specific cassonade for Belgian-style beers gives a more lovable and round aroma to your beer.
HOPPOL: A process called dryhopping is used to increase the aroma and smell of hops.
WHAT 'THE DRYHOPPING? *: Also called cold hopping is to add a suitable amount of hops during the final part of the fermentation (for more information look for dryhopping in the blog), perhaps using a hop bag (the bags for hops, in cotton, suitable for the processing stages), we weigh the necessary amount of hops and immerse the fermenter in the last 2-3 days of fermentation. With this process we extract essential oils from hops that enhance aromas and flavors in very hopped beers.
SPECIFIC YEAST: malted hops always provide a "standard" dry yeast bag that gives good results but obviously does not characterize beer as a specific yeast for the desired brewery style. If you use yeasts for low temperatures, be careful because the dose of yeast to be inoculated is double.
SPICES: It is possible to flavor your beer with the most varied spices paying attention not to overdo the quantities.
HOW DO YOU USE SPICES? the principle and the same of the infusions or hot tea. With a small saucepan (a couple of liters of water is more than enough) the water is heated and the chosen spice is left (usually the citrus fruit for 23 liters of beer is used from 15 to 30gr. 10 to 20gr) to boil for 15-20 minutes. Then the solid part is filtered, the liquid part is cooled and the liquid is put into the fermenter when the must is prepared and before putting the yeast. Times and quantities of spices can vary depending on personal tastes.