
Distilling yeast

Distilling yeast

Still Spirits brewing yeasts for distillation or fermented fruit guarantee fast results and clean fermentation.

Turbo Heat: Distillation yeast or high heat shades. The only Turbo to use when the outdoor temperature is above 33C. It offers excellent quality alcohol in conditions where other yeasts are struggling to work. Up to a volume 200 liters can be fermented using 8 sachets.

Classic 8 is a turbo yeast suitable for fermentation up to 20 degrees alcohol. Contains a mix of yeasts, nutrients and vitamins. Used with 8 kg of sugar can get an alcohol at 20 ° in 5-10 days or with 6 kg of sugar for a lighter alcohol but a faster fermentation (2-3 days). Classic has been further improved with the inclusion of new mineral particles with high absorbency, which greatly affects the clarity of the alcohol obtained.

Fast Express is one of the fastest Turbo yeasts on the market, ferments 6 kg of sugar dissolved in 20 liters of water in 24 hours, leaving an excellent quality of alcohol. It is important that the initial water temperature is around 40 degrees and then falls during fermentation between 20 and 30 degrees centigrade.

Pure Turbo distillation yeast should be used when the final quality alcohol is paramount. Use only when the top temperature is between 18 and 20 degrees and can be maintained. This is a revolutionary breakthrough in the development of Turbo yeast, making it possible to produce quality "triple distilling" in a home production.
