Ricette birre dal Belgio: Saison, Dubbel, Tripel...

Belgian Dubbel All grain-e+g
Recipe for Belgian beer with an all grain and + g method for Belgian Dubbel.
This recipe is for a full-bodied lovable and fruity beer that respects the Belgian tradition. The dark red color and aromas of fruit and cloves are combined with a beer with a strong alcohol content and a very important body.
5 kg Château Pilsner
340 gr Château Biscuit
260 gr Château Arome
60 gr Château Special B
24g BOBEK hops aa 4.6 (60min)
12gr hops SAAZ aa 2.9 (15 min)
500g brown candied sugar PROTEIN REST 52 ° C for 15 min.
MASH 68 ° C for 60 min.
MASH-OUT 78 ° C for 15 min
WLP550 yeast or 2 packets of Belgian Ale M41
FG: around 1010
Alcohol: about 6,6 degrees
Priming: 4-5 gr / lt
For method e + g extract + grains replace Pilsner with 3 kg of light liquid extract and 1kg light dry extract